Image Classification

  • Assign a label to an image
  • ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge
    • 1000 categories


  • Five convolutional layers
  • Convolution kernels are 3-dimensional, depth matching the input depth
  • Convolution is calculated in two directions (x, y), producing a 2-dimensional output for each kernel
  • Kernel sizes: 11x11, 5x5, and three layers of 3x3
  • Two position-wise fully connected layers (i.e. 1x1 convolutions) with 4096 outputs and one with 1000 outputs before softmax
  • Max pooling to reduce resolution after first, second, and the last convolutional layer
  • Data augmentation by mirroring and cropping
  • Dropout
AlexNet architecture. Llamas et al. 2017


  • More layers, e.g. 13 convolutional and 3 fully connected layers
  • Smaller kernels, all are sized 3x3
VGGNet architecture. Wang et al. 2017


  • Even deeper, typically 50 or 101 layers
  • Consists of residual blocks that contain two convolutional layers and a bypass connection
  • A residual block can achieve identity mapping by zeroing out the layer weights


  • Consists of nine inception modules
  • Each module performs 1x1, 3x3, and 5x5 convolutions and concatenates them in depth dimension
  • 1x1 convolutions are also performed to reduce the depth before the 3x3 and 5x5 convolutions
Inception module. Szegedy et al. 2014

Object Detection

  • Finding and classifying a variable number of objects in an image
  • Variable number of outputs: a list of bounding boxes with associated labels (and probabilities for the labels and bounding boxes)
  • Microsoft COCO
    • Complex everyday scenes containing common objects in their natural context
    • 80 object categories
    • 1.5 million object instances in 330k images
  • PASCAL Visual Object Classes Challenge
    • 20 object categories

Faster R-CNN

  • A CNN is pretrained for image classifications (e.g. ImageNet) and one of its intermediate layers is used as a feature extractor
  • A region proposal network (RPN) finds up to a predefined number of regions
  • Initially all combinations of given sizes (e.g. 64, 128, 256 pixels) and given ratios between width and height (e.g. 0.5, 1.0, 1.5) are used as reference regions
  • RPN learns to predict a probability that a reference region contains an object, and x, y, width, and height offset from the reference
  • The extracted features are reused for classifying the regions using a region-based CNN (R-CNN)
  • R-CNN consists of two fully-connected layers of size 4096, followed by two output layers—one predicting the class (including “background”) and one predicting the region offset


  • A single convolutional network extracts features and predicts the bounding boxes
  • The input image is conceptually divided into a grid of cells (for example, 7 × 7)
  • For each cell, the model predicts multiple bounding boxes (for example, two), whose center falls into the cell, and one set of class probabilities
  • The model predicts 5 values for each bounding box:
    • x and y coordinates (between 0 and 1, relative to the cell)
    • width and height (between 0 and 1, relative to the image)
    • confidence score (between 0 and 1)
  • At test time, the confidences are multiplied by the class probabilities to get a set of class scores for each bounding box
  • For every bounding box, keeps only the class with the highest score
  • Overlapping bounding boxes are filtered using non-maximum suppression
  • At training time, the bounding box with the highest Intersection over Union with a ground truth bounding box is “responsible for predicting the object”, i.e. takes part in the loss calculation
  • Target for the confidence score is the Intersection over Union between the predicted and ground truth bounding boxes
  • The loss of a bounding box is the sum of squared errors from its coordinates and dimensions, confidence score, and class probabilities
YOLO architecture. Redmon et al. 2016

Non-Maximum Suppression

  • Bounding boxes that predict the same class, are sorted by probability, and iterated starting from the one with the highest probability
  • At each step, calculates Intersection over Union (IoU) with the next bounding box
  • A high IoU means that there is considerable overlap between the bounding boxes
  • If the IoU is higher than a threshold, any remaining bounding boxes are discarded

YOLO9000 and YOLOv3

  • There are multiple detection layers at different levels of the model (for example, 3)
  • Each grid cell at each detection layer predicts multiple bounding boxes (for example, 3) and a separate set of class probabilities for every box (as opposed to YOLO)
  • Boxes are predicted relative to predefined anchor boxes, like in Faster R-CNN
  • The anchor boxes are centered at the cell center, i.e. the bounding box location is still predicted relative to the grid cell and the anchor box only defines a prior width and height
  • The three boxes predicted at a cell each have a separate prior width and height
  • The three detection layers use separate priors, totaling nine anchor box shapes
  • The anchor box dimensions are determined by running k-means clustering on the training set bounding boxes
  • At each detection layer, the bounding box that is responsible for a training target is the one whose anchor box best matches the object
    • The grid cell is determined by the object center
    • The predictor within the cell is the one whose prior dimensions give the ighest Intersection over Union with the target
  • Confidence score is now called objectness, and YOLOv3 uses binary targets
    • The target is one for the bounding boxes that are responsible for predicting any objects
    • Bounding boxes that are not responsible for predicting any objects, but whose anchor box overlaps an object (high enough IoU), are ignored from the objectness loss
    • Objectness loss is calculated as the binary cross entropy from those boxes that are not ignored

Image Segmentation

  • Predict a segmentation map given an image
  • The output is the same size as the input


  • After reducing resolutiong using the usual convolutional layers, increase the resolution by upsampling
  • Cross connections (not part of the original U-Net architecture) from the downsampling part of the network to the same-sized image in the upsampling part
U-Net architecture. Ronneberger et al. 2015