Decision Theory and Reinforcement Learning
Decision Theory
- An agent observes the environment and performs an action that changes the environment
- An example: a player can make moves in a game
- A game tree defines all the possible actions taken by the agents
- Utility defines a score for the leaf nodes of a game tree
- When the game tree is known, minimax decision rule defines the optimal sequence of actions
- Assumes that the other player always chooses the branch with minimum utility
- Always chooses the branch with maximum utility
Markov Decision Process
- A framework for modeling decision-making problems
- Can be solved using Monte Carlo tree search or reinforcement learning
- An MDP is composed of states, actions, and transition probabilities $p(s’ \mid s, a)$
- Generally, the result of each action is not known in advance (the environment is stochastic)
- Markovian transition model: the probability of reaching state $s’$ when performing action $a$ in state $s$ depends only on the current state $s$
- In each state the agent receives reward $R(s)$
- Alternatively, we may consider the expected reward $R(s, a, s’)$ after taking the action $a$
- Policy is a mapping from states to actions $π(s)$, a probability of taking an action $π(a \mid s)$, or e.g. a search process
- Executing the same policy will generally not end up in the same state
Utility / Return
- Future rewards are discounted by a factor of gamma per time step
- Utility or return is the cumulative discounted reward $U = R(s_0) + γ R(s_1) + γ^2 R(s_2) + …$ of a sequence of states
- It is useful to assess states with respect to the expected utility
- The value function $v_π(s)$ is the expected utility at state $s$ by following policy $π$
- The state-action value function $q^π(s, a)$ is the expected utility at state $s$ after taking action $a$ and then following policy $π$.
Optimal Policy
- Optimal policy is the one that maximizes the expected utility
- Bellman equation: utility of a state is the reward from that state plus the expected utility of the next state, assuming optimal policy
U(s) = R(s) + γ \max_a \sum_{s’} P(s’ \mid s, a) U(s’)
Monte Carlo Tree Search
- Simulates game play (moving down in the search tree) starting from the current game state according to a fast rollout policy (e.g. randomly)
- After e.g. a given time has elapsed, evaluates the end state
- The node where the simulation started is marked visited
- Propagates the evaluation result up to the root of the game tree and update all the nodes along the way
- Each node stores statistics on how promising it is (reward) and how well it has been explored (number of visits)
- Upper confidence bound (UCD) function decides whether to exploit the promising nodes or explore less visited nodes when choosing how to expand the tree
- May also use a policy network to provide prior probabilities for different moves
Reinforcement Learning
- A very general framework for phrasing reward-related learning
- The agent cannot necessarily observe the whole environment
- Feedback in form of rewards
- The agent learns the best behaviour by observing the state space
- A state can be defined as a summary of previous actions, observations, and rewards
Compared to Supervised Learning
- Typically the objective is a discrete metric so a gradient is not available
- Decisions are sequential (the next input depends on the current decision)
- The agent is not told which action to take
- The rewards may be delayed in time
Problematic Areas
- Continuous control
- Sparse rewards
- Long-term correlations
Approaches to Reinforcement Learning
Utility-Based Agents
- Learn a utility function on states
- Model the environment to know the state to which an action will lead
Action-Value Methods
- Learn the optimal state-action value function $q^*(s, a)$ (the maximum $q$ under any policy) and use it to design a good policy
- Can be used without a model of the environment (state transition and reward probability functions)
- Cannot look ahead when it’s unknown where the action leads
- Off-policy agents learn the optimal policy while performing actions of another policy to ensure adequate exploration
- On-policy agents execute the same policy that they learn
Policy-Gradient Methods
- Optimize a parameterized policy (for example a neural network) by gradient descent
- Policy gradient theorem reformulates the loss in such a way that only the policy needs to be differentiable
- A value function may be used to learn the policy parameters, but is not required for action selection
Actor-Critic Methods
- An actor chooses an action to take and a critic evaluates being in a state
- For example a neural network with actor and critic output layers
- Policy-gradient is a special case of this more general idea, where the policy is the actor and the reward is used as the critic
Reflex Agents
- Learn a mapping from states to actions
Utility Estimation
- The agent performs trials
- Each trial provides a sample of the expected reward-to-go from the states it visited
- Disregard knowledge about the dependency of the utility between states (Bellman equation)
- Q-learning is an off-policy action-value method
- The optimal state-action value function $q^*(s, a)$ predicts the maximum (under any strategy) expected utility in state $s$ after action $a$
- The policy is to select the action with maximal $q$
- $q$ obeys the Bellman equation—can be used to define an iterative update so that $q_i$ will converge to $q^*$:
q_{i+1}(s, a) = R(s) + γ \max_{a'} \sum_{s’} P(s’ \mid s, a) q_i(s’, a’)
- Can operate in discrete state and action spaces only
- Policy is not differentiable—action probabilities change abruptly when a different action has the maximal value
Dynamic Programming Approach to Q-Learning
- Think of $q$ as the length of a path segment in a graph
- Use dynamic programming to find the shortest path
- Requires a model of the environment
Sample-Based Approaches to Q-Learning
- Don’t require a model of the environment
Deep Q-Learning
- Calculating $q(s, a)$ exactly for every state and action is impractical except in trivial cases.
- $q$ can be approximated as a neural network with weights $w$: $q(s, a, w)$
- Deep Q-learning minimizes the squared error of the predicted $q$ value and the target, which is the same as the iterative update $q_{i+1}(s, a)$
- The target is nonstationary—it changes at each iteration when the weights are updated
Policy-Gradient Methods
- Define an explicit policy
- The policy gives smooth action probabilities and is differentiable
- Don’t (necessarily) learn the value function
- Effective in high-dimensional / continuous action spaces
- No need for a specific set of rules for the policy
- Popular for robotics
- REINFORCE is the first and most well known policy-gradient method
- In the context of sequence generation, the policy is a model that is used to generate the most likely sequence
- The generated sequence is compared to the optimal (ground truth) sequence to compute the reward
- The policy is updated based on the gradient of the loss, which is the negative expected reward
- The expected reward is approximated using one or more samples